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Do I have a case for my pedestrian accident injury?

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Orange County Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Orange County pedestrian accident lawyer

The experienced Orange County Pedestrian Accident Lawyers at Bisnar Chase have helped injured victims in Orange County seek compensation for their injuries, damages, and losses since 1978. We will fight for your rights and ensure that justice is served.

Orange County is packed with pedestrians, particularly in beach cities such as Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. The beautiful year-round weather brings walkers out in droves. But that also leads to significant pedestrian dangers.

Please call us at (949) 203-3814 for a free, comprehensive, and confidential consultation with our experienced legal team. 

Our Orange County Personal injury attorneys have decades of experience in and out of the courtroom, giving our clients the best results possible. 

Orange County Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Recent Orange County Injury Verdicts

The following are just some of the recoveries our Orange County pedestrian accident lawyers have obtained:

  • $16,444,904.00 – Dangerous road condition, driver negligence.
  • $3,000,000.00 – Dangerous road design – Trolly vs. pedestrian.
  • $2,815,958.00 – Negligent road design.

Based in Orange County, our pedestrian attorneys take great pride in providing injured clients with superior representation. We have won life-changing sums of money for our clients and given them a sense of closure after being involved in severe accidents.

Brian Chase, trial lawyer & partner

Brian Chase, Senior Partner:

“I went to law school knowing I wanted to be a personal injury attorney. I wanted my life’s work to have a positive impact on other people’s lives.”

Compensation for Orange County Pedestrian Injuries

Pedestrians often suffer severe injuries in collisions, such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, broken bones, and internal injuries. Accidents involving pedestrians frequently cause major injuries because pedestrians are unprotected and vulnerable. For example, there is nothing to absorb the impact when a car hits someone in a crosswalk.

When someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing causes a pedestrian accident, injured victims can seek compensation for damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, hospitalization, rehabilitation, and pain and suffering.

Your injury lawyer should be familiar with laws and courts specific to California, especially Orange County if that is where the accident occurred.

When there is a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian, the pedestrian will always come off worse. If you are injured in a crash, contact the Orange County Pedestrian Accident Lawyers of Bisnar Chase today for more information about pursuing your legal rights for compensation.

Dangers to Orange County Pedestrians

You’re taught at a young age to look both ways before crossing a street to avoid being struck by a vehicle. It is true that cars present the most common dangers to pedestrians in Orange County.

But what about bicycles? Cyclists share the road with vehicles, with many of the same rules as motor vehicles. They must stop at stoplights and stop signs, obey traffic laws and signs, and observe the speed limit.

The CBS Video below gives a perfect example of how dangerous bicycles can be to pedestrians:

In fact, it is not just bicycles and cars. Any vehicle can present a danger to pedestrians, from motorcycles and trucks to buses.

Society is also becoming more and more aware of the dangers of distracted transportation, whether in a vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, or even walking or running.

Usually, cell phones and other electronic devices are the main focus of distracted transportation and distracted driving. However, eating, drinking, and other potential distractions can also play a part.

Texting, phone calls, video games, emails, and social media are highly distracting and can lead to potentially deadly situations. That goes for both drivers and pedestrians.

If a pedestrian checks their Twitter feed and steps out in front of a vehicle, it can cause a severe accident. But drivers are also guilty of checking their phones while behind the wheel. This has become one of the leading causes of crashes in recent years.

If you have been a crash victim due to someone texting and driving or through any other form of negligence, you should call the Orange County Pedestrian Accident Lawyers of Bisnar Chase at (949) 203-3814.

Pedestrian Accident Laws in California

Under California Vehicle Code Section 21950 (a), motorists must yield the right of way to pedestrians walking in marked or unmarked crosswalks.

The same section also states:

“This section does not relieve a pedestrian from the duty of using due care for their safety. No pedestrian may suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. No pedestrian may unnecessarily stop or delay traffic in a marked or unmarked crosswalk.”

Motorist responsibility

Even when pedestrians are not crossing or jaywalking in a crosswalk, it does not excuse a driver from exercising due care. California Vehicle Code Section 21954 states:

“Every pedestrian upon a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway so near as to constitute an immediate hazard.”

The same section also states:

“The provisions of this section shall not relieve the driver of a vehicle from the duty to exercise due care for the safety of any pedestrian upon a roadway.”

Right of way

Drivers pulling out of public or private driveways must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and oncoming vehicles. According to California Vehicle Code Section 21804 (a):

“The driver of any vehicle about to enter or cross a highway from any public or private property, or from an alley, shall yield the right-of-way to all traffic.”

Vehicles entering traffic “shall continue to yield the right-of-way to that traffic until he or she can proceed with reasonable safety.”

Common Pedestrian Accident Causes in Orange County

There are countless dangers to pedestrians in and around Orange County. But most accidents happen when someone is walking in the road or trying to cross the street. Negligent drivers can easily fail to see a pedestrian and hit them. 

This kind of accident often has catastrophic and devastating consequences, no matter what type of vehicle the driver is operating.

The most common causes of pedestrian accidents in Orange County include:

  • Driving under the influence
  • Distracted driving
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way
  • Running a red light
  • Inattention
  • Dangerous roadway or intersection
  • Crossing the street against a red light
  • Jaywalking
  • Walking in the dark with dark clothes
  • Walking in dangerous areas
  • Not wearing a helmet when bike riding
  • Uncontrolled intersections
  • Wide roads

Have you been injured due to a driver’s negligence? The crash causes listed above are all examples of negligence, but there are plenty of others.

If you believe you have a case, contact an Orange County pedestrian accident lawyer at Bisnar Chase for a free case review with no obligations.

In the News: Fatal Pedestrian Accidents in Orange County

The following are just some of the deadly pedestrian accidents that have occurred in and around Orange County in recent times:

  • Elderly Man Killed After Being Struck by Vehicle

A 77-year-old man died after he was hit by a car near the border of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. When the tragic crash happened, Carlos Romo was walking near the intersection of 17th Street and Irvine Avenue. He was pronounced dead at Orange County Global Medical Center.

  • Pedestrian Killed in Huntington Beach Collision

A woman suffered fatal injuries when he was struck by a Chevrolet pickup truck in Huntington Beach. Emergency services arrived at the scene to find a 58-year-old woman on the road with catastrophic injuries. The tragic accident happened in January 2022.

  • Two Injured When Car Veered Off Road

Two people suffered serious injuries when a car veered off the road toward them. The vehicle left West Coast Highway and hit the pedestrians, before crashing into a building. It is unclear what caused the accident, but the victims were taken to a nearby hospital.

Orange County Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit FAQs

The idea of filing a lawsuit is daunting for many people. But it shouldn’t be. At Bisnar Chase, we take care and pride in handling every aspect of your case. Put your faith in our firm and let us fight for the result you deserve.

But we do not expect you to go into this process blind. Our top-rated pedestrian accident attorneys are here to answer any questions you might have.

Some of the most frequently asked questions that we hear are answered below, but please do not hesitate to contact our team for a free case review with no obligations.

If you choose the right attorney, it will cost you nothing in out-of-pocket expenses. Bisnar Chase offers a no-win no no-fee agreement. You pay nothing, and we advance the costs necessary to win your case. If we win, most of the money goes to you, but our firm collects a percentage to cover our costs, typically 33% 1/3  in California. This percentage is restricted by law to make sure injury victims do not pay out more than they should. You will owe nothing if we do not win because of our contingency fee bases.

In a pedestrian accident case, liable parties will include anyone whose negligence has caused injuries to the pedestrian. In most cases, negligent drivers are to blame. However, all accidents are different. For example, a reckless cyclist may have caused the incident. A dangerous road condition is to blame in other instances, making the city authority liable. Contact an Orange County pedestrian accident attorney at Bisnar Chase to hold all relevant wrongdoers accountable.

We can’t say whether your case will go to trial or be settled out of court without knowing the details. However, we can say that 95% of injury cases are resolved through out-of-court settlements. This is because trials can be expensive and unpredictable for both sides.

At Bisnar Chase, our pedestrian accident attorneys are highly experienced and will minimize your risk. But we are not afraid of taking on any defendant in the courtroom if a fair settlement amount cannot be agreed upon.

Once we have filed your case, our team will do everything possible to resolve it quickly and efficiently while securing maximum compensation for you. All cases are different. Some are resolved in a few weeks, while others will take months or years to get the right result.

Trust our pedestrian injury lawyers in Orange County to do what is best for you and secure the compensation you deserve, keeping you updated every step. When we win for you, we will also help with the collection process.

Orange County Pedestrian Accident Statistics 2018-2022

Pedestrian accidents can be deadly, with walkers left completely exposed and vulnerable in collisions involving vehicles, such as cars, bikes, motorcycles, vans, and trucks.

The following statistics show why pedestrian accidents are so common in Orange County and the drastic impact they can have on victims.

Year Crashes Involving Pedestrians Crashes Per 100k Population Pedestrian Fatalities Fatalities Per 100k Population
2018 817 25.58 68 2.13
2019 700 21.93 54 1.69
2020 535 16.99 75 2.38
2021 752 23.77 84 2.65
2022 783 24.57 59 1.85
  • There are more than 3.1 million residents living in Orange County, boosted by more than 50 million visitors every year.
  • Many tourists visit beach cities including Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, representing a huge increase in foot traffic.
  • Reports show that there were about 500 pedestrian accidents in Orange County in 2020, resulting in at least 47 deaths and 496 injuries.
  • The pedestrian accident statistics from 2020 were lower than usual due to the pandemic lockdowns. The numbers have spiked since then, with a combined 1,535 accidents and 143 fatalities in 2021 and 2022.
  • Across the United States, about 6,000 pedestrians are killed in traffic crashes yearly, with about 137,000 injuries caused.
  • Over 25% of pedestrian accidents happen at intersections, while 80% of accidents happen after dark when visibility is worse.
Pedestrian Accidents by Time/Light

The Best Orange County Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Near Me

Bisnar Chase has 5 locations to make working with us convenient. Whether you are in the Inland Empire, Los Angeles, or Orange County, our team can meet with you anytime.

After an accident, you will likely have many questions. Who will pay your medical bills, who’s liable for the damages, can you collect for pain and suffering, what are your time limits to file a claim? Our experienced Orange County pedestrian accident lawyers can answer those questions for you.

Our team is made up of experts who have handled claims like yours before. Bisnar Chase is a top-rated injury law firm, and we take great pride in securing the best results possible for our clients. Our firm has:

  • A 99% success rate.
  • More than $900 million recovered for thousands of clients.
  • Experience: We have been in business since 1978.
  • The resources to take on any case.
  • A free initial consultation and a no win no fee guarantee.
  • A commitment to providing superior representation and an unparalleled client experience.

Contact our team of experts now if you or a loved one have suffered a pedestrian accident or a hit and run in Orange County and find out how we can help maximize the value of your case.

Contact an Orange County pedestrian accident lawyer at Bisnar Chase now. There are several methods to get in touch with us, including sending us an email, using the live chat box on our website, and calling (949) 203-3814.

Case Results

  • 1


    Consumer Class Action

  • 2


    Motor Vehicle Accident

  • 3


    Auto Defect – Seat Manufacturers, Johnson Controls

  • 4


    Motorcycle Accident

  • 5


    Defective Seatback

  • 6


    Bicycle Accident

Client Reviews

Bisnar Chase Google Review - Lena

I wasn’t sure if I needed a personal injury attorney because I’d never been in a car accident before. I assumed I’d just go straight through the other driver’s insurance but that quickly became a nightmare. I spent months fighting over the simplest of issues about my case, which was 100% the other driver’s fault. I hired Bisnar Chase to see if they could just take it over for me. I was really impressed with how much they communicated everything to me! I suddenly started getting calls from the insurance company, imagine that. My final settlement was 6 times what I asked for to begin with. Everyone I dealt with was really involved in what was best for me, not the insurance.

Lena Murillo
Bisnar Chase Reviews

Bisnar Chase has been amazing with me through my lawsuit. I felt real compassion for my case and I was given their very best to make sure I was well taken care of. In addition to the great service given during my case, Bisnar Chase helped me get my son to his invited USA Football Team camp in Texas. They immediately offered to help fund the trip and are so supportive of his journey. I felt Kristi is just as excited for him as I am with this opportunity. Kristi has been an absolute delight to talk with. Bisnar Chase is more than I ever expected I could get in an attorney. I would recommend them to anyone!

Christina Del Real
Bisnar Chase Google Review

It was a pleasure working with such an amazing team. You will definitely feel welcomed and kept in the loop throughout the entire process. They do a great job making you feel like you are a part of their team which is how one should feel. The superb customer experience from finish to end. You can trust they will do all possible to promptly and efficiently handle your case.
Yes! I recommend this team…

Queen V
Bisnar Chase Google Review

Bisnar Chase is a model #veteranowned business that is purpose-driven — showing the power of patriotism in action! Because of Bisnar Chase, low-income veterans will be able to forge new futures at home through pro bono legal care. Team Veterans Legal Institute is grateful to have Bisnar Chase as a sponsor for Lawyers for Warriors — supporting the promise to be there for our veterans when they need it most.

KellyAnn Romanych

Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys, LLP

1301 Dove St. STE 120, Newport Beach, CA 92660


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