Bisnar Chase’s Buena Park employment lawyers represent people who work or live in Beuna Park or nearby areas of Orange County. Our skilled employment lawyers have been fighting for those who have violated their workplace rights for more than 45 years.
A labor law attorney can help you if you have faced workplace harassment, discrimination, or hostility, have been denied legally required breaks, have not been adequately compensated, have been wrongfully terminated, and much more.
Suppose you believe your employer violated your rights or committed an unlawful act. In that case, discussing your concerns with an experienced employment lawyer that serves the Buena Park area may be in your best interest. Our attorneys have won more than $750 million in settlements and verdicts for our clients.
If you are looking for the best employment law attorney in or around the 90621 area, call the law group of Bisnar Chase at 949-203-3814 for a free consultation.
Buena Park Labor Law Resources
The Worker's Claim Filing Process
It can be an anxiety-driven task to file a worker’s claim against your employer. Employees may already be fearful that they may lose their job and be unable to make ends meet due to lost wages. You need to remember though as an employee, you do have rights, and under California law, you are protected.
If you have been wronged in the workplace, you can take several avenues when filing an Orange County claim. One of the first things an employee can take when filing a charge is to submit a complaint form online. Note that there are time limitations on when you can file a workplace charge. A worker has 180 days to file a charge, but if the case involves age discrimination, the time limit can be extended to 300 days since the incident.
If you feel as though filing a claim through the EEOC is not enough, you may want to seek legal representation. An employment lawyer in Orange County can inform you of your rights and even protect you throughout the process of your claim so you will not be wrongfully terminated or retaliated against by your employer.
Common Types of Employment Claims in California
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported that precisely 76,418 employees filed a labor law claim in one year. Many of those workers experienced being discriminated against, harassed, or not compensated for their work. There are various kinds of claims that can be filed among employees.
Common Types of worker claims can include:
- Age Discrimination: Age discrimination, or ageism, is the act of stereotyping someone based on his or her age alone. Ageism in the workplace may involve the wrongful termination of an experienced and capable employee for being too old. The Age Discrimination Act of 1967 protects job applicants and employees from ageism, but that doesn’t mean that victims of age discrimination will automatically qualify for compensation. There are certain circumstances in which companies may be exempt from paying damages to a wronged former employee. Each case is different, but employees who believe they were mistreated because of their age would be well advised to discuss their rights with an employment lawyer.
- Gender Discrimination: Buena Park, CA, employs around 39.8k people. There are bound to be various types of discrimination with so many employees. Gender discrimination may seem like a thing of the past, but it is a common and tragic reality for many working individuals in Buena Park. Many companies still violate the Civil rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 by treating men and women differently and maintaining inequity in pay.
- Race Discrimination: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 deals specifically with discrimination in the workplace. Under the law, employers may not discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of race. This includes discrimination relating to hiring, salary, job training, promotions, and terminations.
- Disability Discrimination: Under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Disabilities Act of 1990, individuals with disabilities may not be discriminated against in the workplace. Employers may not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities during the hiring process or about firing, advancement, job training, and compensation considerations. Under California law, employers with five or more employees must make reasonable accommodations to a qualified applicant who has a disability.
- Sexual Harassment: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits any sexual harassment that occurs in the workplace as illegal. Sexual harassment in the workplace, unfortunately, most of the time goes unreported. The majority of people that are sexually harassed are women. Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome physical or verbal sexual nature. A term also associated with sexual harassment is quid pro quo (favor for a favor) which means that if a worker cooperates and fulfills the sexual advances of their employer, in return, they will receive a pay raise or advance to a higher position in the company.

What is a Whistleblower?
A whistleblower is an employee that reports illegal or ethically wrong activity that is occurring in the workplace. Whistleblowers work as a checks and balances system to ensure that upper management is not abusing their power. It is against the law to retaliate against a whistleblower by terminating their employment. It is also against the law to retaliate against the employee by providing a hostile work environment.
There are different ways that a whistleblower can prove that there is illicit activity taking place at work. Whistleblowers can report the incident to another co-worker (internally), a person that works outside of the company (externally), or cyber whistleblowing, where an employee reports a security breach.
If you have been wrongfully terminated or believe your former employer violated state and federal labor laws, please do not hesitate to call a skilled employment lawyer to better understand your legal rights and options.
California Labor Laws
It is common for companies to cut corners by violating the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 or California labor laws. Employees have many wage and hour rights regarding when they must receive overtime pay. While there are exceptions for executive-level employees, anyone working over 40 hours a week or eight hours a day must receive overtime pay. Employees who do not receive overtime pay over weeks, months, or even years may be able to pursue compensation for the substantial pay they have missed.
Have You Been the Victim of a Wrongful Termination?
Under California law, most workers are classified as at-will employees. This means they may be fired if their employment is not under contract. Being an at-will employee also means a worker can quit at any time. There are, however, cases in which a person has been wrongfully terminated.
If you believe you were let go because of your sexual preference, age, sex, race, or because you were a whistleblower on a severe labor dispute, you may have a wrongful termination case.
Contact Bisnar Chase now to find out if your case might qualify.
Contact Our Southern California Employment Lawyers
The Buena Park employment lawyers of Bisnar Chase have been representing workers whose rights have been compromised for over 45 years. Our goal is not only to win you the compensation you deserve for your losses but also to serve you in the best way we can. Bisnar Chase prides itself on client satisfaction and frequently keeps you updated on what is taking place in your labor law case.
When you contact our law offices today you will get a free consultation with a legal expert to discuss your case. Call 949-203-3814 and let us fight for you.